機長暴斃 乘客接手安然降落 | ![]() |
更新日期:2009/04/15 03:22 |
飛機還在天上飛,駕駛突然失去行為能力,乘客被迫接手開飛機,這是電影中常看到的情節,不料同樣情節十三日居然發生在美國人道格拉斯.懷特(Doug White)身上,幸好懷特有駕駛小飛機的經驗,讓飛機平安降落。 |
這起空中驚魂記約從下午一點半鐘開始,一架「超空王」(Super King Air)雙渦輪推進引擎客機從佛羅里達州馬可島起飛,目的地是密西西比州傑克森市,該機起飛後不久進入邁阿密航管區,駕駛向管制中心報告飛機航高九千英尺且持續爬升。
本則新聞由中時電子報提供 2009/04/15
4月12日發生在美國的事情,可能在台灣新聞讀者的眼中看起來非常新奇而且不可思議,因為在台灣飛行的飛行員都是航空公司、持有商用、甚至航空運輸執照的飛行員。但是在美國通用航空(general aviation)非常發達的地方,飛行員就真的是形形色色了,從專業的,到這次心臟病發的商用飛行員,到現在在這裡敲部落格,一年或兩年才去美國飛一次的我,也是他們GA世界的一伙勒。所以管制員可以找到會飛kingair的朋友,然後藉由他的協助告知天上的飛行員如何操作,這如電影情節般(turbulance第一集就是這樣演的)的過程便在真實世界發生了。
飛行員在空中可能遇上的狀況是誰都難以料想的。在台灣這種航空公司為主的世界,通常飛機上都有兩個駕駛,他們的素質理應都足以應付,只是一個人的工作負擔會太大,在我剛進航管的那一年,就是華航發生駕駛員失能的那一年,那一直是個令人印象深刻的案例(CAL681 飛安會調查報告),在地面的管制員能對這樣的狀況做些什麼事情呢?如果事情發生的是兩個駕駛都失能了,乘客上來開飛機,管制員又能幫上什麼忙呢?這次FAA的案例中,比較幸運的是這架飛機本來就屬於這個最後開飛機的人,而且他也擁有PPL執照,所以他本身是有基本的飛行底子的。如果面對一個真的對航空全然不知的人,如何把需要的訊息用最簡單最能理解的方式傳達出去呢?
在聽真正的錄音之前,就先來回味一下1997年的電影 「TURBULENCE(空中驚魂?)」裡面的一些片段吧.... 不知道FAA這位管制員當時腦海裡是不是也浮現出了這部電影的畫面?
(來源 http://www.faa.gov/data_research/accident_incident/2009-4-12/ )
Pilot Stricken, Controllers to the Rescue
Updated: 11:02 am ET April 15, 2009
April 14 – Two air traffic controllers are rapidly earning heaps of praise for helping a distressed passenger guide a plane to safety Sunday after the pilot died in the cockpit.
Brian Norton and Dan Favio, who both work the TRACON at Southwest Florida International Airport in Ft. Myers, helped a passenger sitting in the co-pilot's seat as he guided the twin-engine plane to safety after the pilot's apparent heart attack.
“I couldn't be more proud of them,” said Steve Bushey, the tower's manager. “We’re happy to have a good story and particularly because the outcome was positive. You can’t beat that.”
One of the passengers, Doug White, who previously had only flown single-engine planes, was forced under the circumstances to fly his family to the airport after he declared an emergency.
White already had enough on his mind. He was returning to Louisiana — with a stop in Mississippi to retrieve his truck — after attending a funeral for his only brother. His wife and two teenage daughters were in the back of the plane and now he was charged with getting them on the ground.
A few minutes into the flight of N559DW, when the King Air 200 was 10,000 feet aloft and climbing, White radioed the Miami Center that there was an emergency. Controllers at the Ft. Myers airport were quickly notified, and a radar scope showing only the King Air was set up in the tower.
Controller Brian Norton was walking down the hallway and ready to leave for the day when his supervisor called him back because of his piloting experience.
He plugged into the console and “could tell the pilot was struggling a little bit to get the plane under control. He told me he was getting alarms in the cockpit and he was descending too fast,” Norton said. “It’s a pretty complex airplane.”
Dan Favio, a developmental controller who has been with FAA for six months after military and private contracting controller experience, learned of the problem while he was eating lunch.
Thinking quickly, he called a friend and flight instructor, Kari Sorenson, who had thousands of hours of flight experience on the King Air 200.
“I sat beside Brian and called [Sorenson],” Favio said. “He just happened to be sitting in his office and he was able to pull out the checklist for the [King Air 200] and the cockpit diagram.”
As the pilot asked questions – air speed, flap control, trim locations – Favio relayed the questions back to his friend.
Favio, who also has logged some time behind single-engine planes, said his biggest concern was that White would slow the plane too much. Because landing speeds for twin-engine airplanes are much faster than those for single-engine planes, Favio continued to tell Norton, who then told White, what the minimum airspeed was and not to drop below it.
“He definitely had his hands full. He was concerned about being able to handle that airplane,” Norton said.
That the pilot had his hands full isn’t surprising. Sorenson said the King Air 200 is “one of the most complicated airplanes to fly.”
At first, White reported having difficulty trying to control the King Air 200. Sorenson told him – through the controllers – to fly it like it was a single-engine plane.
“Once he started doing that that’s when things really started to settle down,” Sorenson said.
About six miles from Runway 6, with the winds nearly calm, White asked for final approach speed. Favio asked his friend and the answer was quickly relayed to White.
Through that relay, Norton helped White line up his approach, adjust his flaps to the proper setting and put the landing gears down at the proper airspeed and altitude.
Meanwhile, Favio was calling out altitudes and airspeeds to Sorenson. Everything looked good, but Favio was worried the pilot was coming in a little bit short of the 12,000-foot runway at the Ft. Myers airport.
After a brief pause in the communication, an audibly shaken White can be heard coming over the microphone.
“We’re down, buddy. Thank you,” he said.